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Приложение Б
источников, использованных при подборе английских эквивалентов терминов
1 |
Fundamental Quantities and Units for Ionizing Radiation, ICRU REPORT, 60, 1998 |
2 |
International atomic energy agency, Handbook on Calibration of Radiation Protection Monitoring Instruments, Technical Reports Series No. 133, IAEA, Vienna (1971) |
3 |
International commission on radiation units and measurements, Determination of Dose Equivalents Resulting from External Radiation Sources - Part 1, Rep. ICRU-39, Bethesda, MD (1985) |
4 |
International commission on radiation units and measurements, Determination of Dose Equivalents Resulting from External Radiation Sources - Part 2, Rep. ICRU-43, Bethesda, MD (1988) |
5 |
International commission on radiation units and measurements, Measurement of Dose Equivalents from External Photon and Electron Radiations, Rep. ICRU-47, Bethesda, MD (1992) |
6 |
International commission on radiation units and measurements, Quantities and Units in Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Rep. ICRU-51, Bethesda, MD (1993) |
7 |
International organisation for standartisation, Reference Sources for the Calibration of Surface Contamination Monitors - Beta-Emitters (Maximum Beta Energy Greater than 0,15 MeV) and Alpha Emitters, Draft Standard, ISO/DIS 8769, Geneva (1986) |
8 |
International standards commission on radiological protection, Recommendations of International Commission on Radiological Protection, Publication 60, Annals of the ICRP 27, Nos 1-3, Pergamon Press, London and New York (1991) |
9 |
International organisation for standardisation, X and Gamma Reference Radiations for Calibrating Dose Meters and for Determining Their Response as a Function of Photon Energy - Characteristics of the Radiations and their Methods of Production, ISO Standard 4037-1, Geneva (1995) |
10 |
International organisation for standardisation, Reference Photon Radiations - Dosimetry of X and Gamma Reference Radiations for Radiation Protection over the Energy Range from 8 keV to 1,3 MeV and from 4 MeV to 9 Mev, ISO/DIS 4037-2, Geneva (1995) |
11 |
International organisation for standardisation, Reference Photon Radiations - Calibration of Area and Personnel Dosemeters and the Determination of their Response as a Function of Energy and Angle of Incidence, ISO/DIS 4037-3, Geneva (1995) |
12 |
International organisation for standardisation, Sealed Radioaktive Sources - General, ISO Standard 1677, Geneva (1977) |
13 |
International organisation for standardisation, Reference Beta Radiations for Calibrating Dosemeters and Doseratemeters and for Determining their Response as a Function of Beta Radiation Energy, ISO Standard 6980 (E), Geneva (1984) |
14 |
International standards organisation, Neutron Reference Radiations for Calibrating Neutron Measuring Devices Used for Radiation Protection Purposes and for Determining their Response as a Function of Neutron Energy, Draft Standard ISO/DIS 8529, Part 1: ISO, Geneva (1986) |
15 |
International standards organisation, Reference Neutrons Radiation Calibration of Area and Personal Dosimeters and the Determination of Their Response as a Function of Neutron Energy and Angle of Incidence, Draft Standard ISO/DIS 8529, ISO, Geneva (1996) |
16 |
International atomic energy agency, Neutron Monitoring for Radiological Protection, Technical Reports Series No. 252, IAEA, Vienna (1985) |
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