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Построение информационных отношений в сфере майнинга, криптовалюты и криптоактивов на примере Кыргызской Республики (Н.С. Семенов, С.Р. Семенов, журнал "Правоприменение", том 7, N 2, апрель-июнь 2023 г.)

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Семенов Н.С., Семенов С.Р. Построение информационных отношений в сфере майнинга, криптовалюты и криптоактивов на примере Кыргызской Республики


Н.С. Семенов - кандидат юридических наук, и.о. доцента кафедры юриспруденции и международного права, Международный университет Кыргызстана


С.Р. Семенов - кандидат экономических наук, и.о. доцента кафедры международного бизнеса, Международный университет Кыргызстана


Вопросы развития майнинга, криптовалюты, криптоактивов рассматриваются на примере Кыргызской Республики. Актуальность статьи обусловлена существованием пробелов в законодательстве Кыргызской Республики по данным направлениям. Цели статьи - провести анализ сфер майнинга, криптовалюты, криптоактивов и выявить правовые проблемы, а также дать предложения по совершенствованию национального законодательства Кыргызской Республики. Сделан вывод о необходимости правового регулирования отношений в области майнинга, криптовалюты, криптоактивов в Кыргызской Республике для преодоления правовых пробелов, способствующих развитию теневых схем в экономике и препятствующих общей цифровой трансформации.


Ключевые слова: информационные отношения, майнинг, криптовалюта, криптоактивы, эмиссия, субъекты права, виртуальные активы


Semenov N.S., Semenov S.R. Building information relations in the sphere of mining, cryptocurrency and crypto assets on the example of the kyrgyz republic


N.S. Semenov - PhD in Law, Acting Assistant Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and International Law International University of Kyrgyzstan


S.R. Semenov - PhD in Economics, Acting Assistant Professor, Department of International Business. International University of Kyrgyzstan


The subject of the research is the study of mining, cryptocurrency, crypto assets in the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Relevance. The relevance of the article is due to the presence of gaps in the field of mining, cryptocurrency, crypto assets in the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic. The objectives of the article are to analyze the areas of mining, cryptocurrency, crypto assets and identify legal problems, as well as make proposals for improving the national legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Methodology. The authors use scientific methods: general methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparison); special methods (legal, comparative legal). Main results. Problems were identified, such as: lack of legal status of crypto assets, cryp-tocurrencies; lack of legal status of a cryptocurrency exchange operator; the system of risk management in the field of cryptocurrency is not indicated; lack of detailed study of the legal status of mining; subjects of mining, mining objects, classification of mining, standards for conducting financial transactions are not defined; lack of understanding of the nature of cryptocurrencies, crypto assets and virtual assets; lack of licensing and permitting activities in the field of mining, cryptocurrency, crypto assets; the absence of the category of mining, cryptocurrencies, crypto assets in the State Classifier of Economic Activities; lack of legal status of blockchain in the format of a regulatory legal act and etc. Relevant proposals were given: to finalize and adopt a single regulatory legal act (in the form of a law) in the field of crypto assets, cryptocurrencies, since they are interconnected; establish the legal status of a cryptocurrency exchange operator and introduce licensing and permitting activities (obtaining a license from the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic); develop and adopt a regulatory legal act (in the form of a law) on mining, with a detailed designation of what mining is, its classification, mining object, mining subjects; understand the nature of cryptocurrencies, crypto assets, virtual assets and understand what they can be attributed to, in particular, to money, a product, a medium of exchange, a universal service or other activity; Enshrine in civil law the concepts of cryptocurrency, crypto assets, virtual assets, including the rights and obligations arising from them; add to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On licensing and permitting activities of the system in the Kyrgyz Republic" paragraph 61 of Article 15 - the activity of mining, cryptocurrency, crypto assets; add a category to the State Classifier of Economic Activities - mining, cryptocurrencies, crypto assets; form a working group at the level of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic to study blockchain technology with areas of application, both in the private sector and in the public sector, including smart contracts and etc.

Conclusion. Introduce legal regulators in the field of mining, cryptocurrency, crypto assets in the Kyrgyz Republic in order to avoid possible legal gaps that can lead to negative consequences in relation to the state, ranging from various shadow schemes in the economy that can slow down the digital transformation of the country.


Keywords: information relations, mining, cryptocurrency, crypto assets, emission, legal entities, virtual assets


Журнал "Правоприменение"


Интернет-страница научного периодического издания, URL: https://enforcement.omsu.ru/jour/index


"Правоприменение" - рецензируемый научно-практический журнал по праву. Специальности ВАК: 12.00.01, 12.00.02, 12.00.04, 12.00.09, 12.00.10, 12.00.11, 12.00.12, 12.00.14, 12.00.15.


Учредителем периодического издания является Омский государственный университет им. Ф.М. Достоевского. ISSN 2542-1514 (Print). ISSN 2658-4050 (Online). Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ ПИ N ФС 77 - 73726 от 21 сентября 2018 года. Периодичность выхода в свет - ежеквартально.


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