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Article 3

Article 3


1 A Joint Committee*(24) of ... members shall be set up, comprising: [representatives of the State as well as regional authorities]

- ... members from the .... side

- ... members from the .... side

- [... members from the .... side]

2 The Joint Committee shall establish a local Committee, whose membership shall include representatives of the States and the regional and local authorities concerned, to take charge of implementing this agreement.

Are also included representatives of recognised private nature conservation organisations and organisations which contribute to the safeguarding of the landscape and the environment.

At least once a year the local Committee shall submit a progress report to the Joint Committee with any proposals relevant to management and development of the park.

3 The Joint Committee may set up any other committee or working party.

4 The Joint Committee's terms of reference shall be:

- to ensure transfrontier co-operation through co-ordinated implementation of the objectives listed in Article 2 of this agreement;

- to deal with all other matters relating to management of the park.

5 The Joint Committee shall hold ... meetings each year. It may call in experts at these meetings.

- It adopts its own rules of procedure.

- The Chairmanship of the Joint Committee shall be held alternately by a member of each national delegation;

the length of the chairman's term of office will be laid down in the rules of procedure.