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Article 1

Article 1


Terms used in this Agreement:

"Border area" shall mean the territorial areas of the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Norway as specified in Annex to this Agreement;

"Border residents" shall mean citizens of the Russian Federation, citizens of the Kingdom of Norway and citizens of other countries who have been legally residing in the border area for at least the 3 previous years;

"Valid travel document" shall mean a document which is recognized by the Parties as certifying the identity of the holder and as entitling the holder to cross the state border, except for diplomatic passport, service passport and seafarer's certificate (seaman's passport);

"Local border traffic permit" shall mean a specific document issued to border residents of the State of one Party, entitling them to multiple entry, exit and stay in the border area only of the State of the other Party, as indicated in Article 6 of this Agreement.