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Article 4 Extraditable Offences

Article 4
Extraditable Offences


1. For the purposes of this Treaty, crimes entailing extradition shall mean any acts that, as defined by applicable laws of both Parties, are penal acts and entail punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of not less than 1 year or more severe punishment.

2. Should any request for extradition include a number of different acts, punishable pursuant to applicable laws of both Parties, however, some of them do not meet the requirement of the punitive measure specified in Paragraph 1 of this Article, the Requested Party may extradite a relevant person only in connection with the crimes mentioned in Paragraph % of this Article.

3. In case any such request for extradition is made in respect of any person, convicted in the Requesting Party for punishment in the form of imprisonment for committing a crime, which is subject to this Treaty, such extradition may take place only if an unexpired term of punishment on the date of the decision | of extradition is not less than 6 months. In exceptional cases the Parties may agree upon extradition, even if an unexpired term of punishment is less than 6 months.

4. In case the qualification of the alleged act changes in the course of the criminal prosecution, the extradited person may be brought to criminal liability or convicted to the extent to which such new qualification will correspond to the conditions of extradition.

5. Any differences in the legal terminology shall not hinder fulfillment of the request for extradition, if the act, for which extradition is requested, is a penal act as defined in applicable laws of both Parties.