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Article 14 Change and Abolition of Judgment

Article 14
Change and Abolition of Judgment


1. If, after the transfer of the sentenced person for serving the sentence, the judgment is changed by the court of the sentencing Party, a copy of the respective judgment and other necessary documents shall be promptly submitted to the central authority of the administering Party. The administering Party shall resolve the issue of enforcing such decision as specified in Article 10 of this Agreement.

2. If, after the transfer of the sentenced person for serving the sentence, the judgment is abolished, thus dismissing the case in the sentencing Party, a copy of the respective decision shall be promptly submitted to the central authority of the administering Party.

3. If, after the transfer of the sentenced person for serving the sentence, the judgment is abolished and a new investigation or proceeding is/are to take place, a copy of the respective decision, criminal case documents and other necessary materials shall be promptly submitted to the administering Party in order to resolve the issue of prosecution of the sentenced person under the laws of the administering Party.