Article 7
Responses to Requests
1. If the request of the central authority of the sentencing Party is granted, the central authority of the administering Party shall accompany its response with:
a) a written consent for receipt of the sentenced person for execution of the remaining part of the sentence;
b) a certified copy of the decision of the court or other competent authority on acknowledgement, if provided for by the laws of the administering Party, and execution of sentence stating the order, the term and conditions of serving the sentence by the sentenced person after his/her transfer;
c) certified extracts from legislation on which the sentenced person will serve the sentence;
d) a document indicating the nationality of the sentenced person.
2. The central authority of the sentencing Party upon rendering the decision of consent or rejection to transfer the sentenced person by the court or other competent authority of the sentencing Party and after receipt of all necessary documents shall promptly inform the central authority of the administering Party of its decision.
<< Article 6 Requests |
>> Article 8 Procedure of Transfer |
Agreement Between the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran on Transfer of Sentenced Persons (Moscow, March... |