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Свойства конституционных принципов (С.А. Мосин, журнал "Правоприменение", том 5, N 3, июль-сентябрь 2021 г.)

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Мосин С.А. Свойства конституционных принципов


С.А. Мосин - кандидат юридических наук, доцент департамента публичного права Национальный исследовательский университет - Высшая школа экономики, Национальный исследовательский университет - Высшая школа экономики, г. Москва, Россия


Исследуется триединство свойств конституционных принципов, дается их характеристика. Делается вывод, что конституционный принцип представляет собой определяющее базовое содержание общественных отношений, основополагающее нормативное установление, которое одновременно обладает свойствами аксиоматичности, презумптивности и фиктивности. Отмечается, что триединство свойств конституционных принципов отражает их правовую сущность как основополагающих нормативных установлений, которые определяют общеобязательные базовые правила и направления развития правовой системы, обеспечивают стабильность правовой системы государства, обладают возможностью своевременного развития и адаптации к изменяющейся правовой действительности.


Ключевые слова: Правовой принцип, конституционный принцип, свойства конституционных принципов, правовая аксиома, правовая презумпция, юридическая фикция


Mosin S.A. Properties of constitutional principles


S.A. Mosin - PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Department of Public Law HSE University, HSE University, Moscow, Russia


The subject. The article is devoted to the study of the trinity of properties of constitutional principles.

The purpose of the article is to confirm the hypothesis that constitutional principles, often Accepted - perceived by researchers and law enforcement officials as abstract norms with declarative content, are in fact full-fledged legal institutions that are endowed with all the necessary Available online - properties to achieve constitutional goals. In this regard, the article analyzes the property 2021 September 20 of axiomaticity, the property of presumptivity and the property of fictitiousness of constitutional principles.

Legal principle, constitutional methods made it possible to identify and characterize the properties of constitutional prin-principle, properties of ciples, such as axiomaticity, presumptivity and fictitiousness. The use of these methods in constitutional principles, legal their combination predetermined the appeal not only to topical problems of constitutionalKeywords The methodology. The systemic-structural, comparative, formal-legal and formal-logicalaxiom, legal presumption, legal law, but also to issues of the theory of law, as well as other branches of law, which made it fiction possible to most objectively and comprehensively approach the study of the properties of constitutional principles.

The main results of the research. The trinity of the properties of the constitutional principle lies in the fact that the constitutional principle formulates the basic rule and determines the direction of development of the legal system and thereby has the property of axiomaticity. At the same time, the constitutional principle has the property of presumptivity due to the duty of the law enforcement officer to proceed from the assumption of compliance with the provisions of such a principle by all subjects of legal relations. Thereby constitutional principle ensures the necessary stability of the legal system of the state. At the same time, in order to achieve full-fledged stability of the legal system, along with the assumption that the subjects of legal relations comply with the provisions of the constitutional principles, it should be possible to monitor such compliance. In the absence of prior control over compliance with the provisions of the law, the solution is the application of legal presumptions. In this regard, within the framework of the presumptive property of constitutional principles, constitutional presumptions are inextricably linked with the corresponding constitutional principles. In turn, having the property of fictitiousness, the constitutional principle allows to interpret the provisions that make up such a constitutional principle and, as a result, create the necessary regulatory legal framework.

Conclusions. Constitutional principles are the driving force of the legal system. They fill all legal relations without exception with legal meaning and content and have a special meaning due to their irreplaceability and the obligation to strictly observe them. In turn, the trinity of properties of the constitutional principles reflects their legal essence as fundamental normative provisions that determine the generally binding basic rules and directions of the development of the legal system, ensure the stability of the legal system of the state, and also have the possibility of timely development and adaptation to the changing legal reality.


Keywords: The methodology. The systemic-structural, comparative, formal-legal and formal-logical.


Журнал "Правоприменение"


Интернет-страница научного периодического издания, URL: https://enforcement.omsu.ru/jour/index


"Правоприменение" - рецензируемый научно-практический журнал по праву. Специальности ВАК: 12.00.01, 12.00.02, 12.00.04, 12.00.09, 12.00.10, 12.00.11, 12.00.12, 12.00.14, 12.00.15.


Учредителем периодического издания является Омский государственный университет им. Ф.М. Достоевского. ISSN 2542-1514 (Print). ISSN 2658-4050 (Online). Свидетельство о регистрации СМИ ПИ N ФС 77 - 73726 от 21 сентября 2018 года. Периодичность выхода в свет - ежеквартально.


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