Article 6
1. Requests of a Party for transfer and responses to them shall be made in writing and directed to the other Party through the central authorities in accordance with this Agreement.
2. After receipt of the application for transfer, the central authority of the sentencing Party shall forward the request addressed to the central authority of the administering Party accompanied with:
a) information about the sentenced person (full name, date and place of birth, place of residence);
b) documents indicating the nationality of the sentenced person;
c) certified copies of the judgment and all relevant court decisions on the case and a document confirming that the judgment has become final and binding;
d) the document indicating the part of sentence served and the part of sentence to be served, as well as the document indicating behavior of the sentenced person while serving the sentence;
e) a document indicating execution of additional punishment, if any;
f) the text of provisions of the laws on account of which the person was sentenced;
g) a written consent of the sentenced person or his/her legal representative in case of the person's inability to freely express his/her will due to age, physical or mental conditions for his/her transfer;
h) the document indicating financial obligations of the sentenced person under the judgment, if any;
i) information on the state of health of the sentenced person and on the possibility of his/her transportation to the territory of the administering Party.
3. When the application is submitted to the administering Party, its central authority shall forward a request addressed to the central authority of the sentencing Party accompanied with the documents mentioned in subparagraphs "a" and "b" of paragraph 2 of this Article.
The central authority of the sentencing Party shall accompany its response to the said request with the documents mentioned in subparagraphs from "c" to "i" of paragraph 2 of this Article.
4. If necessary, the central authorities of the Parties may request any additional documents or information.